Iv got a big shoot tomorrow with the Sketches which im looking forwards to. It is loosely based on the film " Lord of the fly's". But also i want to take some sweet detailed portraits of them with the make up on.
I used a ring flash today to test it out.... going to buy one now or saved up for one it creates totally different lighting effects.
have a look at my quickies:
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Sketches shooot
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/24/2009 11:38:00 pm
Saturday, 21 February 2009
My Crazy trip to London
Last week i agreed to go shoot a local band called Sketches, Their an awesome band
( check the link out). I basically ended up traveling down to London with them from Leeds. So funny, there was nudity, cheesy mess and starvation. I took alot of shots on my 50mm 1.8 because i love it too much.
I also helped out with some planned shoots by Rosie Reed Gold, which turned out to be some of the funnest shoots iv ever done.
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/21/2009 11:58:00 am
I have found my dream house!
When i was in Watford, on Thursday we walked passed this house on the way to the location for the shoot. It was so nice and looked awesome. Check it out.
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/21/2009 11:54:00 am
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Alittle Beef!
Iv got a little beef with users on Flickr and my old work that i put on flickr. It is when people upload the same image more than once but in different times or what is even worse, is when they upload images that are shot in colour, then upload the same image in black and white.
AHHHHHHHHHHgggg thank you for reading lol.
p.s. Ill will be uplading some new 120 slide film shots i took on a Mamiya Rb67 tonight ,, enjoy ...
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/17/2009 06:37:00 pm
Friday, 13 February 2009
Today i have a slow but productive day off scanning my 7 new developed rolls of 35 mm. Some of the images are crazy, theirs a roll i took awhile ago and totally forgot about the shots i took. I sooooooo looking forwards to getting my 120 slide film back on monday, i hope it has worked because i really want a rb67 now.
I will upload some new images tomorrow or maybe a sneaky one tonight but i am gettin rather tied.
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/13/2009 11:40:00 pm
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
A picture taken abou half a year ago
Was taken in the studio awhile ago, while i was shoot my FMP ( final major project for other people looking at this, outside the circle of my photo buddies). I was editing my Lightroom library and cam across it. Its a strong dramtic image that is very in-your-face. The only downfall to the shot is the dark ring under the figures eyes.
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/10/2009 10:41:00 pm
Loving the 6x 4.5 format tooo much
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/10/2009 12:19:00 am
Sunday, 8 February 2009
a few shots
A couple of images i took the other night. I am still inspired by Todd Hido night time photography. I used 3200 iso and on these shots making a harsh contrasty black and white end result. I like how the light becomes a spot instead of bleeding out more into the image.
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/08/2009 09:50:00 pm
new bad boy wooow!
Fujifilm sticks with film
BJP has learnt that Fujifilm will introduce a new film-based medium format camera this spring.
First shown as a prototype at the Photokina trade show in Cologne last year, the GF670 Professional will now be released in Japan in mid-March as a portable folding bellows camera, jointly developed by Fujifilm and Cosina. The production may be limited to just 5000 units.
Its most unusual feature is a mechanism for switching between two different film formats - 6x7cm and 6x6cm. It is also fitted with an 80mm f/3.5 fixed focal length lens, which is composed of six glass elements in four groups. The GF670 has an automatic lens shutter, and an SPD sensor with both automatic and manual autofocus. The ISO sensitivity ranges from 25 to 3200.
With its official announcement in Japan, new details have also emerged. The GF670 will weigh 1kg and measure 178x109x138mm when opened. The body is cast in magnesium alloy with aluminium parts, and the camera can be fitted with a hotshoe flash.
In Japan, the GF670 will be released with soft leather case and a dedicated lens hood. Pricing has yet to be communicated.
While Fujifilm will release the GF670 under its own brand in Japan, the medium-format camera has been renamed the Voigtlander Bessa III 667 outside of Japan, where Cosina is likely to have sole distribution. However, according to a distributor in France, 'Fujifilm and Cosina have still not reached a decision for the camera's release outside of Japan.'
Fujifilm UK was unable to say whether it would be selling the camera in Britain.
For further information and product images, check BJP's blog at 1854.eu.
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/08/2009 08:57:00 pm
Friday, 6 February 2009
kiss kiss bang bang!!
Iv just watched Kiss Kiss bang bang, what an awesome film. Very weird and crazy story line but beautiful lighting.
So it is 12.20 and iv decided to watch close encounters another amazing film with great lighting. If you haven't seen either of them i recommend them.
On the photography front. I will be heading home tomorrow and im hopefully going to shoot some more late night pics. Not sure where i am going to shoot them yet! So im going to do alittle location scouting in the morning then boring work for 6 hours, then fun times with my camera.
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/06/2009 12:15:00 am
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Hello! Iv decided to go back in time again, i wanted to uploads some shot from 2005 on a trip to London. I was very intrigued about how comfortable people was of me taking their picture, so i took this to my advantage.
I took about 7 rolls of film that day and there is a large amount of shots i like. Just wish there was a colour neg enlarger around ( booooo).
( If you want to see more shots email me or if you want to buy prints just email and i will send a price list)
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/05/2009 07:56:00 pm
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Follow up!
A follow up shoot to the portrait was my 'beat up' series. I have not really progressed past the two shots i have done because it took a while to set up and i had other work to be getting on with at the time. Its something that i hope to come back too though.
The top one is my girlfriend and the bottom one is a self portrait.
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/04/2009 01:14:00 pm
Portrait project
I did this project a while back now! (13/03/08). I wanted to use reflective light to cast a smooth filled out light to the images. I did not want to shoot typical portraits, so i asked my models to pull funny faces and shout a random word. These are one of my favorite set of portraits the pastel colours and cool background emphasizes their skin tones and features.
I would hope to try a lot more of these, it is more of a study of people facial movements and also bringing a little bit of their personality out. I have added a Polaroid type of boarder around them to make the images more personal to me.
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/04/2009 11:10:00 am
I have been a bit skeptical about the whole loading up of images onto website. Purely because of copyright issues. So i have decided to upload them with: low resolution and as small files.
I believe it is ok to use my images ( if any would! ha) as long as i have some sort of acknowledgment of where and what they are going to be shown on (also provided i am quoted as the photographer). At the end of the day to get a decent photograph you purchase high resolution ones. ( which if you would like email me).
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/04/2009 10:59:00 am
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Teud Hocks
While researching some other work, i came across Teud Hocks. His images are dreamlike and surreal, reminding me a lot of Rene Magrittes and Dali's paintings.
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/03/2009 01:05:00 pm
Monday, 2 February 2009
SNowy times
Its snowing today, i was stuck in doing work all day. As soon as i got home it was picture picture picture time. i loved it. Again when it got dark, i did some long exposes. here they are. WHat is it about snow that makes people soo happy. IT becomes a new vision to photographers, a white sheet that covered the 'norm' and makes it different, beautiful.
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/02/2009 11:47:00 pm
Chuck Close
We had a little moment, after watching Madagascar 2 ( awesome film), i can't remember how it started, but i mentioned how photorealistic chuck closes images are.
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
2/02/2009 11:23:00 pm