Im enjoying writing a daily blog, except with the lack of people looking at it lol , hopefully it will pick up. I came back home this morning to find, more lens. I had to clean them up abit becuase they are second hand, but my 28-100mm came with a sexy polarizer ( nikon too!) so im happy with that investment.
I had a few things to do this morning, once i got them out the way i went to take some pictures. Depending on how they look i may upload them. I took my Western lightmeter with me to meter the light.
Iv been doing a project on 'boring landscapes' , which i hopefully make into a book when i have enough images to edit down.
Friday, 30 January 2009
Day three ( i think!)
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
1/30/2009 04:01:00 pm
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Here are some of the shots I had taken. I used a 50mm at F1.8 on a high ISO all night. I like how grainy and easy it is to focus on one area, because of the dark bleachers of black and white.
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
1/29/2009 04:05:00 pm
Just a quick blog, if anyone is reading this, and are interested in large format camera's, have a look at these beasts. type in Kipp Wettstein on google they are beautiful pieces of kit. If only i had the money !!
Back to the gig shoot
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
1/29/2009 03:37:00 pm
Large Format
Today iv been a busy bee, learning a lot about shine fluege ( think thats how you spell it). Again as i said last night i really just want to get out now and take 5x4 images. Im looking to practice photographing with a mixture of buildings and landscapes. When i have got used to the whole concept around the 5x4 camera i'l progress into the darkroom and do some portraits.
Also i have just borrowed the book Basic Photography by micheal longford. To learn all the little bits and bobs about light and photography that i need tuning up on!
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
1/29/2009 02:47:00 pm
Sketchers - gig shoot
Me and my mate Matt Johnston ( Jukebox) were asked by the sketchers boys to go along to their gig and take some shots for their website. I will organise the photos tomorrow and upload some, pretty tied and drunk at the minute. Looking forwards to seeing them larger than my LCD.
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
1/29/2009 01:04:00 am
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Inspired by Todd Hido
As i mentioned before. I was inspired by the colour and how creepy, dramatic and surreal Todd Hido images look i decided to have a little shoot last night on the way home from picking up my new lens!! Lucky i had a tripod left at home. The downfall to the shoot was the lack of power left of my D300. I had to do three very short different shots. Around 4 min exposes, really want to try 5x4 now. Going to order some film now so i get it done.
here are the image:
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
1/28/2009 02:28:00 pm
First Post --scary
Iv wanted to start a blog for a while now, so iv decided today is that time. Just so I can let the world of bloggers know what I am doing and working on…
Were to start. At the minute I am working on a number of new ideas and subjects. But they still haven’t really progressed enough to show or describe them yet.
Iv finally purchased some more lens since my others got robbed. So hopefully I will have a fun filled month of taking lots more pictures mainly focused around portraits. After yestoday I got introduced to more Todd Hido ( images and iv been really inspired by the colours and concept in his work. It reminds me a lot of Gregory Crewdson’s images with the use of colour and suburbia as the location(my favourite photographer).
As I looked more into Todd Hido, iv seen some of the portraits he has been taking using natural light making the images beautiful and atmospheric. The colours slightly dingy and make the room look simple which adds focus to the figure.
Posted by
Mr R. Thomas
1/28/2009 10:00:00 am